Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween is Here!!

Halloween is Charly's favorite holiday. She talks about it all year long. I can not believe how many times that little girl changed her mind on what she was going to be for halloween. It went from Strawberry shortcake to bumblebee transformer to princess to who knows what else....I can't keep track. We finally ended up on Strawberry shortcake. Luckily we were able to borrow a costume from her friend so we didn't have to spend any money. They also had a snow white costume for Violet. For some reason I didn't have an opinion about what Violet was going to be, so I was ok with the Snow white. Jack was Mario.....and was pretty set on that, so that was the only one we had to buy. I think he has made up his mind on what he wants to be for the next 5 years or so.

It's not even Halloween yet, but we had a big Halloween weekend. We went to Sea World with some friends and went trick or treating. We then zoomed off to our Church halloween party....and it was pretty funny cause we came home to Jim all dressed up for halloween. He threw this costume together at the last minute. I was pretty impressed. He was a beat up injured scout master.....which suits him because that is his calling at church. It was funny cause he walked around telling people that he needs to be released :) The pictures are good but don't totally do the costume justice. But I do have to say that I am so glad that I have a husband as cool as him!! Some husbands don't dress up.....but mine does!! That makes me proud. Well I am going to stop jibberjabbing and load some pics.....cause I actually have some!
Oh and I almost forgot...our family won 3rd place in the costume contest!!

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