Monday, August 2, 2010

a day in the life of us (in ridiculously monotonous detail)

Wow! Mondays are always so busy. Let's I woke up around 7:30 and feed Violet. Got the kids breakfast and ready for swim lessons and started the laundry then got everyone in the car and left around 8:30. Arrived at 9....Got to sit down and breath while Jack and Charly did there swim lessons. At 9:25 set out all their clothes so that when they got out of the pool I would be ready for them. Had them shower and dress (which always takes some convincing since they are so cold they don't want to take their towels off from around them. (Did I mention it has been a cold summer...overcast almost every single day...YUCK!) Then we got in the car to head back home. We arrived home around 10:20. I had to change the laundry and feed Violet again. Then folded the laundry and got the Jack to fold his laundry and Charly to put hers away then switched more into the dryer. As soon as I finished that I cleaned the kitchen and put Violet down for a then it was 12:00. I started to fix lunch and then I realized Violet was asleep (thank you angel baby) and the kids were playing together in the office totally involved in some kind of plot...something to do with star wars and the mermaid lagoon that I made for Charly. Nontheless.....they were totally involoved. So I put down the lunch makings and decided this was the momment that I was going to have 10minutes to myself. I got the lap top and laid down on the couch and listened to my 10 minute weight loss hypnosis session...which is totally relaxing by the way. (a new thing I'm trying. I'll expound on that later). Then I proceeded to make everyone lunch including myself. We ate lunch and then Violet woke up. I knew she would want to eat so I rushed and folded some laundry and took it upstairs. Got the kids to do a little clean up and then let them watch Peter Pan 2 (they have hardly watched TV all summer.....mostly just on fridays for movie since I was so busy I caved and let them watch.) Put that on then went upstairs to feed Violet. While I was feeding her I multitasked.... I read some scripture and then made some phone calls. Then when she was done eating I folded the laundry and put it away...came down stairs and the movie was just finishing. Then we decided to go to the park (which took some convincing...they didn't want to go, but I feel very guilty sometimes because we don't have a backyard and they don't get to play outside unless I arrange it) So we headed down to Coronado (one of my favorite places in the whole wide world!) It was so beautiful crossin the bridge. So the kids played on the playground while Violet sleeped in her stroller and then Jack and I played soccer. We stayed for about an hour and a half and then decided to go home. We got home and Charly wanted to stay in the car to sleep and Jack went upstairs to play so I went and fed Violet. While I fed Violet I wanted to plan out FHE. When I was done feeding her I started dinner (easy speghetti and meatballs), salad, strawberries & bananas, brocoli & cauliflower. (an dinner I know the kids will eat and we don't have to sit at the table for hours telling them it's time to take a bite.) Jim came home and we talked a bunch and then ate dinner. After dinner Jim and I sent the kids to the office so we could plan out the details of FHE....when we were done we made them come out and clean up a little bit and then we started. We had this fun game where they had to throw 10 balls and there were 10 different bowls. They could throw it at any bowl and then when they were done, each bowl had monopoly money taped underneith and that is how much they got depending on which bowl the balls were in. They had a lot of fun doing this. Then we gave them the money they earned and we had a lesson on tithing. After the lesson they "paid tithing" and then got to go to my "candy store" that I had set up. They were really excited about this. Jack was able to buy a bag of cookies that he wanted and Charly bought some chocolate. I really wanted key lime pie but didn't have enough money. Jack offered me $5 so that I could have my key lime pie. That was really nice it was so sweet of him. After that it was time to put the kids to bed. I gave Violet a bath (poor third child hardly ever gets a bath) and then I fed her. Jim got the kids ready for bed and then we all read scriptures together and said our family prayer. Then off to bed. While I finished feeding Violet..Jim and I chatted and then went down staris where we continued to chat while I was cleaning the kitchen (again multitaksing) and finished that around 9:40 and now I am in the office writing this ridiculiously monotonous detailed account of our day. Why you say? Who cares? Since I am writing this blog for my posterity I just think it would be interesting if I had something that my great great great great great great grandma wrote about what her life was way back in the year 2010. So hopefully my great great great great great great grandchildren will find this somewhat interesting. Anyways, that is a typical monday.....we do a lot more interesting stuff and have fun playdates planned for the week! This blog will get more interesting as I get more practice!! In a nutshell my life is overwhelming but happy!

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