Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jim's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jim!

I am writing this months later so my memory is foggy...We celebrated Jim's 37th birthday this year! Wow he is old ;) Truely I must say that Jim is my best friend. For Christmas I bought Jim a mini plan of season tickets to the SDSU basketball games. The last game happened to be on his birthday.....not to mention they won the game and became Co-champions with BYU in their division. That was a really exciting game that neither of us will ever forget! (Pictures below).

Kids made Jim's cupcakes

Proud of their work and begging to eat them.

The traditional birthday donut.

What could this be?

Not to old for a nerf gun.

After the game we rushed the court....we felt like college students again!

Singing the fight song

Proof that we are actually on the court!

Look how close we are!

I believe this is DJ Gay (point guard)

That was some of the most exciting two hours. It being the last game of the best team SDSU has ever seen and mostly seniors. I will never forget the stadium rocking when all the students jumped up and down and chanted "I believe that we will win, I believe that we will win......."

I think Jim had a great birthday...just the way he would have wanted it!

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