Tuesday, September 21, 2010

butternut squash and artichokes

Tonight I was making dinner and thinking to myself..."nancy, what are you doing? Another dinner where the only person you had in mind was yourself." I tend to make dinners to please me. Well, not always...but a lot of time half way through I think....you made that for yourself no one else is going to eat this. Or so I thought tonight! I made butternut squash ravioli and an artichoke for the family to share. I first could not believe that Jack actually tried it...and secondly he liked it! He gobbled up a good portion of the artichoke and then when I got to the heart I was skeptical, but he tried it and liked it! He also ate his ravioli. Charly tried the artichoke but was stuck on the edimame that I had also made and wouldn't stop eating that. (I am tickled pink that she liked it). We have made a rule with our kids that you have to try something once. If you don't like it you don't have to eat it..but at least a bite.

Do you ever have days where you feel like you nailed it? That was today. I got up early..made lunch for the boys, cleaned the kitchen...fed violet and then got ready and met my friend at the park to go walking. We had a great time chating, and then met up with the playgroup. Played for a while and then left home to make it in time for a friend to come over or lunch. Charly LOVES her daughter and they played so well together. Her mom and I had a great chat and ate yummy paninis. Then I left to go pick up jack and we came home...did homework then I spent some quality time with violet. Made a really easy dinner (see above), took the kids on a walk and let Jack practice riding his scooter. Came home had pumpkin cookies and then charly and I cleaned her room and they went to bed. The kids were so good and extra cute for some reason. I just love them. Today I feel like I am making a difference and doing good in the world. (i don't always feel like that). I feel truely happy. It was a great day....a simple but great day :)

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