Friday, September 24, 2010

A newly discovered talent

Do you ever get wrangled into doing something you totally don't want to do? That was me tonight. Our ward had a talent show. I should just stop there before things get to painful...hahaha. Anyways, this morning I made the mistake of answering the phone. Bro. S called and asked if we were going to the ward talent show. I said "yes" (thinking he was calling for the purpose of recruiting people to go). Then he asked if we were performing. I said "no" and explained that we might put something on display...but we weren't planning on performing. Then he asked me if I would help him out with his....which was telling jokes....oh no I do I get out of this one? I was skeptical, but I couldn't think of an excuse so I grudgingly agreed to it.

I arrived at the show right when the dinner part started and we went in a room and read over the script. It was a lot of corney kind of cute...but mostly corney. The kind that have the "dadum ching" after them. I felt unusually calm about this and decided that it was going to be kind of fun to do. By the way, there was a guy on the drums doing all the "dadum chings" for us. I figured I would have nothing to here it goes and I waited for the curtain to open. (we were the first act).

They had the lights out and the spot light on soon as they opened the curtain...I looked out and the first thing I saw was Jack just beaming and looking up at me as if I was the coolest person in the whole world...Then I saw Charly with the same look on her face...smiling at me and so excited. At that moment I just thought to myself...."I am SO glad I am doing this" no matter how this goes I am so glad that I am doing this for them and no one else matters. We start telling the jokes...and all I can really hear is Jack and Charly cracking up (i don't think they really even understand the jokes) but they are laughing after every joke. I loved it. Of course the bit would have been a lot better if it were cut in half (i tried to get bro. S to do that but he didn't want to)......but I must say there was an accordion break in the middle of it.....awesome. Anyways, I heard a few laughs from the audience but mostly I will just always remember Jack and Charly's face looking up at me smiling and laughing like I was their hero. And afterwards, they told me I was their favorite act.

Did I want to do this? a resounding "no" But I am SO glad I did. I am so glad that bro. S called me and asked me to. Some people might think I am stupid or lame....but my kids think I am cool and that is all that matters to me. So as for a newly discovered talent.....Is it my great acting abilities or comedic timing? Nay, I say...but I realized my talent is going along with things and being a good sport about it. Now that's talent ;) dadum ching.

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