Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Candy Candy Cotton Candy!!

Cotton Candy!!
So this morning I woke up and it was one of those days where we had nothing on the docket.....just to have fun with Charly today and be home and not have to go anywhere. So I asked her what she wanted to do and she said "we haven't had cotton candy in a long time, let's make cotton candy." My first reaction was "yeah right" since I think cotton candy is disgusting and that is the last thing my daughter needs....and then I thought.....why not? Lets try something out of the box and I was sure I could find a recipe for homemade cotton candy online. Sure enough I did and this is how it turned out:

Ok, so maybe nothing like cotton candy...but it was really fun to make.....and each little strand was as sharp as a glass shard....but still yummy to eat (well sort of if you like cotton candy).
Not so fluffy like the cloud stuff you buy at the fair.

But we had fun. And Charly was sneaking bits of it all day. I had fun with you boo.

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