Sunday, February 27, 2011

Willy Wonka

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!
On Friday I got to go with Jack's class to see the play Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Last year I read that book with my kids and we loved it. We laughed so hard through the whole I jumped on the chance to go see the play. It was a delightful little play done by a kids professional outfit. I was really impressed with how good some of the actors were and the stage setting. I am especially grateful to my dad who cam down from OC to help take care of the girls for me so that I could go.

This was my group of 5 students: Shelby, Emma, Ava, Jack & John
John is Jack's best little buddy this year

Two peas in a pod

I thought this picture was cute.
So glad to spend the day with Jack and his is always fun to see the dynamics of his class.

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