Sunday, February 20, 2011

Molly's Visit

Molly's Visit

This is a picture of Violet and Kyjsa (10 months & 4 months). They were so cute together.
At one point Molly and I heard both of the girls laughing and we looked over and saw Violet over by Kysja in her bouncy seat and she was rocking her up and down and they were both laughing at each other. It was so priceless. I told Violet "give Kysja bonks" and Violet bent down and bonked Kysja on the head with her was so cute.

It's really fun to have a friend visit from out of town. Molly is from Minnesota and her husband Geoff came and they brought there baby Kysja. They have two other children, but they left them at home. Jack had friday off, so my parents took the kids to Disneyland and kept them for the rest of the weekend. Which was really nice so I could hang out with my friend who was on vacation from two little children. Although Jack and Charly loved Kysja (they are both love babies). Anyways, we had fun and of course the weather forcast was for pouring rain the entire time they were out here, but luckily it wasn't as bad as perdicted and we were able to find ample sunshine time to warrent the needs of two people looking to get out of the snow!
My camera situation still sucks right now, so pictures aren't as good or plentiful as they should be. Anyways, I took them to the Quail Botanical Gardens (one of my favorite places in San Diego) and Moonlight beach (also one of my favs.) Then we got In & Out and it started to rain so we went back to my house and hung out. Then we went to the Mormon Battalion.
The next day it was kind of cold and rainy....we Geoff was at his convention...Molly and I were hanging out at my house and we got this bug and decided to totally rearrange the furniture. So here are some pics.....I wish I had before and after....but I am amazed how completely different it looks but we didn't spend a dime!!!

We moved out the china cabinet and created a lot of space in that corner.

We moved the chair where the TV used to be and the TV over to the other side of the wall.
So much more space!!

Anyways, it was so fun having Molly here. Her and Geoff are people I hold in high reguard. It was like having a breath of fresh air. I love when you can spend time with someone and see the world for a few days from a different perspective.
Molly and I met in college at Utah State. We lived in the dorms together and then we traveled to Russia and taught English together in Moscow. Then we backpacked through Europe. We have so much history that we will never not be friends.

Things I love about Mollly and Geoff.

1. So down to earth. Salt of the Earth kind of people
2. I can't say it enough.....I am so impressed with they way they handle money.....they act how I would hope I would act if I had a lot of money. No need to buy flashy things or impress people with their money....they live within their means and they have extra to share.
3. Such a good couple together...very yin yang. It's always a pleasure to know that your good friend married well and is happy in their marriage.
4. Molly has a lot of qualities I don't have and I have learned by watching her. She is very unihibited in the way that she can talk to anyone.....I have watched this over the years and have tried to emulate this.
5. Funny....I enjoy the way she says things.....she has a way with words that always makes me laugh!

1 comment:

molly and geoff archibald said...

you are sweet! we had a great time too. only one thing: it's kajsa. don't worry about it, it's our own fault for giving her such a freak-ball name. :)