The precise Art of the "Animal Tamer"
Sean came to visit for a month in March....It was so fun to have him around!! Kandace surprised us all and came out to visit us the last week that Sean was out here. Sean has created this game that my children love called Animal tamer. This game has forever endeared Uncle Sean to Jack and Charly. I had a hard time narrowing down the pictures, so I had to included them all so that you can get a feel for the "Art of the Animal Tamer" (this totally beats a day at disneyland in my kid's book!)
I remember this dinner, we were celebrating Jim's birthday. We had a lot of fun that night with Sean and Kandance....Jim and I talked afterward about how much we enjoyed being around them that night....there was and has always been a nice eb and flow with them... so easy.
And now the the animal taming: