Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Charly

Rainbow Glitter Party!!
4 years Old
My sweet Charly is now 4 years old. I can't believe it! I think we celebrated her birthday all week long. I absolutely love putting on kids birthday parties. For Charly's this year we did a rainbow glitter theme which was really fun and easy to have a lot of ideas. Funny thing was last year she invited all boys to the party and this year there were only girls. Most of the party took place in the garage and we put up the bouncy house so the kids could jump. That is instant fun and cheap. A little disclaimer: hosting a party and trying to take video and photographs (with a really LAME camera did not produce great photos).

The traditional breakfast doughnut

Weeks before her birthday, Charly had been begging me to have breakfast in bed. She was so excited when she woke up on her birthday....we had also decorated her room while she was asleep with baloons and streamers.

A music box that she got from Jack and we let her open it that morning.

Her birthday Party....really one of the funnest kid one's we have done.
Emma, Charly, Chloe, Ava, Skyla, Sydney, Azure, Brooklyn, (Kendra not in this picture)

Charly and Azure

We started out by everyone making Rainbow necklaces.

I didn't get a chance to take a picture of all the games we played, but this is the Rainbow walk (similar to a cake walk). We also had the kids fish in the shower for the cute girly sand buckets and then we did a scavenger hunt.

Rainbow cupcakes!!

Ok, so I didn't get a good photo and they were all gone when thought to take a photo of them inside. But here it is nonetheless you can have a taste of what these psychodelic rainbow cup cakes looked like from the inside.

Singing Happy Birthday!

A Pinata!! Of course! At first we had the girls hit it with a baseball bat...That was so funny. Very different from boys. They would just tap the pinata. Then they all pulled the string.
It was so fun to watch Charly have fun with all her friends. I am so glad that I had this party and it turned out the way it did. I loved having kids just roaming through our house playing and being loud and jumping in the bouncy house. I really love kids and the making magic for them. It was a rather simple party....but that's all it needed to be.
I don't have any pictures right now.....but on her Birthday night we went to Corvette Diner for her birthday dinner to celebrate with Nana and Dan & Heather came as well. What a great place to celebrate a birthday. They came and put staws in her hair and made a sort of fancy updo. Then they sang "happy birthday" to her. She also ordered a hot a bunch of waitresses came by and all sang a hot dog song to her. It was so much fun. I'd have to say this birthday was a smash!!!

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