Sunday, January 30, 2011

A romantic weekend

I have to say that raising a family it REALLY hard sometimes. It is just non-stop. I really think that three kids have totally pushed me over my limits. There is just so little time to do what you really want and unfortunately spending time with your spouse gets less and less. Jim and I at the end of the day we are totally exhausted and we just look at each other and say "I miss you" Sometimes I just want him all to myself. Jim is really busy with his job, boy scouts, looking for a new job, his Russian business, Russian translations, and helping me i said nonstop.

This weekend was a rarity, we had 2 dates both Friday and Saturday night! Thanks to the uncles...we even got free babysitting! So Saturday night we went out to dinner at this restaurant down by the beach. I had lobster ravioli and Jim had steak....the kind of steak that is the consistency of butter....yummm!!! Then we picked up some warm beverages from Starbucks and headed to the marina in Coronado for a gondola ride! It was so romantic. It felt like we were in Italy. They gave us dessert on the gondola and there was Italian music playing. We rode throw the canals at Coronado Cays. It was just really peaceful on the water and to look out and see all the city lights. Toward the end of the ride our gondola guide asked if he could sing us a song......we didn't really know what to expect but we thought....ok he busted out in this beautiful Italian song...his voice was SO good! Really rich and deep. I told him "I wasn't expecting that!"

Saturday night we got to go to the SDSU game. Jim and I LOVE sporting events....and basketball has such an excitement to it. We had such a great time. And State won of course..actually by a landslide. While I was there I guzzled down a huge diet coke because I haven't been feeling well (and coke always makes me feel better when I am sick) so of course I wasn't tired when we got we got to watch a movie together. I know it sounds weird but that is a novelty to watch a movie together!

The more I am married to Jim, the more I love him. I don't think that I realized how lucky I was when I married him.....I mean I know I loved him then...but I had no idea. It is uncanny how when we our out in public and say something happens and we can both give each other a knowing look and know exactly what the other is thinking. Or one of us will say exactly what the other was thinking....does that make sense? Anyhooo....I hope to all my future posterity for whom I write this blog for....I hope that you all marry well....for that is essential to your happiness!

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