Sunday, January 30, 2011

Little miss Violet

Who is this Violet Melcher anyways?

Violet is our almost 10 month old baby. Here are somethings about her....although she will change dramatically in the next little bit....this is who she is today. She makes us smile everyday
and we all just fall in love with her over and over. Even Jack and Charly fuss over here. They always want to play with her and hold her.
1. Striking... someone told me the other day that Violet was so beautiful....and then they said she is "striking" I just have to write that down because if someone ever said that about me I would want to know! So Violet if you are reading this....then that is for you!!!
2. one can help but smile when they see you! Even when you wake us up way too early in the morning and we stumble over to your crib and you are smiling at us.....that makes us melt. We can't be mad at you!
3. Loud... Currently no volume control. When you babble it is so funny and SO LOUD!! We can here you through the whole house.
4. Mellow....really just the chillest baby I know. I get comments from people all the time about how laid back she is. At a reacent family get together I think everyone came up to me and told me how mellow Violet is.
5. A pooper....sorry for the reality, but at least 4 times a day Violet!!!
6. Stander....I can't get you to go to sleep because you stand up in your crib now, but don't know how to get back down. It is so funny to go back in your room after I put you down for a nap and see you standing silly and priceless. Now I have to rub your back to get you to go to sleep. I think someone is a little spoiled.
7. Not have been eating anything I give you! I am glad. Much easier than your brother was as a baby!
8. Giggler....I need to record you giggling at this cute.

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